Sizing Information

A guide to sizing

We are sure you will agree that dogs come in all different shapes, sizes and breeds. There is now stead fast rule that certain sizes cant be used on different breeds, the choice is totally up to you. Here we will try and give you a guide of how big items are. Its important to note that all bundles are made by hand and these sizes can vary. The information here is a guide only.
We offer four different sizes, from Large to sweetheart.  Here is a photo of our standard collar bows. Ranging from top, large to the bottom which is small, showing a business card for scale.
  • Large bows - 19cm x 8cm
  • Medium bows - 11cm x 7cm
  • Small bows - 9cm x 6cm
  • Sweetheart bows - 6cm x 4cm
collar bow sizing guide
Our sweetheart bows can be smaller than a business card or bigger.
As well as attaching to collars or harnesses, they can also be used  on top knots.
sweetheart bow size guide
Tie Bandanas
After lots of feedback from our customers this is our guide to tie bandannas sizing. Our most popular bundle is extra large to small. This bundle covers all bases and should a bandana be a bit big, simply snip to fit. Please note sizes may slightly differ due to all our bandanas being handmade.
tie bandanas
S – (Toy Breeds) like Yorkie’s, chihuahuas, Pomeranian’s, some small terriers etc
M – L (Most Breeds) Shih Tzu, Lhasa's, Tibetans, Terriers, Spaniels,
XL (All Large Breeds), collies, Rottweiler, Bull dogs, Labradoodles, Labradors, retrievers, etc.
We have lots of request for tie bandanas that are the V shape and we can offer bundles in just that shape, sold in separate bundles of medium only or extra large only.
Collar Bandanas
Our sizes range from large to small. We can make bigger sizes on request.
S – (Toy Breeds) like Yorkie’s, chihuahuas, Pomeranian’s, some small terriers etc
M  - (Most Breeds) Shih Tzu, Lhasa's, Tibetans, Terriers, Spaniels,
L - (All Large Breeds), collies, Rottweiler, Bull dogs, Labradoodles, Labradors, retrievers, etc.
See our bundles here.
Each flower is handmade and all petals are cut individually so our sizes can differ but on average they are x size. Every flower attaches to a collar or a harness using the ribbon centre at the back of the flower.